Structure change


Payload sent when your documentation receives a deployment with a structure change.


  • X_BUMP_SIGNATURE_256 string Required

    The hash signature of the payload. uses a HMAC hex digest (SHA256) to compute the signature of the body payload with the webhook secret. More info in help.



Information about last documentation structure change of your API history

  • api object Required
    Hide api attributes Show api attributes
    • id string

      UUID of this API

    • name string

      Name of this API

    • Description of this API from the latest definition

    • slug string

      Slug of this API

    • url string Deprecated
    • humanUrl string

      public documentation URL

    • tags array[string]

      a list of descriptive strings which identify the API within a Hub

    • version string

      Version of this API taken from the latest definition

    • properties array[object]

      Extra properties attached to this API

      Hide properties attributes Show properties attributes object
      • type string

        Type of the extra property

        Values are OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, x-access-level, or x-definition-type.

      • data string

        Content of the extra property (data or url)

      • url string

        Content of the extra property (data or url)

    • Creation date of this API

    • Last udpate date of this API

  • diff object Required
    Hide diff attributes Show diff attributes
    • id string

      Unique id of your diff

    • title string

      The title of the last parsed definition

    • The public URL of your diff

    • breaking boolean

      Identifies if the diff includes breaking changes

    • details array[object]

      Details of each change as a list of diff items. Present only if json format has been requested

      Hide details attributes Show details attributes object
      • id string

        The identifier of the diff change

      • name string

        The human name of diff change

      • status string

        Values are added, modified, or removed.

      • type string

        The object type of the diff change

      • breaking boolean

        Identifies if the item is a breaking change

      • previous object

        Object attributes values, before change. Possible attributes depend on the object type ('endpoint', 'body', 'response'…)

      • current object

        Object attributes values, after change. Possible attributes depend on the object type ('property', 'operation', 'message'…)

      • Represents breaking change reasons, used to give more context about this question: why is this change breaking?

        Hide breaking_details attributes Show breaking_details attributes
        • This property is used to generate the human message about breaking change reason

        • breaking_attributes array[string]

          When diff status is modified, this property is an array including every modified attribute responsible of the breaking change.

      • children array[object]

        A list of children item changes

    • URL of previous version specification, in JSON format

    • URL of current version specification, in JSON format

POST DocStructureChange
Request examples
# Headers
X_BUMP_SIGNATURE_256: a0b1c1d2e3f5a8b13c21d34e55f89a144b233c377d610e987f1597a2584b4181

# Payload
  "api": {
    "id": "3ef8f52f-9056-4113-840e-2f7183b90e06",
    "name": "",
    "description": "This is the official API documentation. Obviously created with",
    "slug": "bump",
    "url": "string",
    "humanUrl": "",
    "tags": [
    "version": "1.0",
    "properties": [
        "url": "",
        "type": "OpenAPI"
    "created": "2022-01-07",
    "modified": "2022-04-07"
  "diff": {
    "id": "2361df99-1234-4c80-a0cc-45c9fe565812",
    "title": " Api",
    "public_url": "",
    "breaking": false,
    "details": [
        "id": "post-versions",
        "name": "POST /versions",
        "status": "modified",
        "type": "endpoint",
        "breaking": true,
        "previous": {
          "path": "/versions",
          "verb": "POST",
          "deprecated": false
        "current": {
          "path": "/version",
          "verb": "PUT",
          "deprecated": false
        "breaking_details": {
          "message_key": "removed_not_deprecated",
          "breaking_attributes": [
        "children": [
    "previous_version_url": "",
    "current_version_url": ""